2008 Mazda Tribute Hybrid Grand Touring 4dr Front-wheel Drive 2-spd CVT w/OD
estimated cost $3,710
All estimates are based on average US prices, including depreciation if applicable.
Find a Mazda Tribute Hybrid for sale at edmunds.com34 city / 30 highway mpg
2-spd CVT w/ODDrive type
front-wheel0-60 mph
11.52 secengine
133 hpdrivetrain
2-spd CVT w/ODsuspension and brakes
tires and wheels
weights and capacities
Curb weight
3,597 lbs.Gross weight
4,680 lbs.Fuel tank capacity
15.00 gal.exterior dimensions
interior dimensions
Front head room
39.30 in.Front leg room
41.60 in.Front hip room
53.40 in.Rear head room
37.50 in.Rear leg room
35.60 in.Rear shoulder room
55.90 in.Rear hip room
49.10 in.
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